Good Hustle

A 10 Week Program To Help You Design a Purpose-Driven Business.

StartSomeGood Has Been Featured in:

✓   Live a values-aligned life
You want the freedom to create a life, and business that is aligned with your values. Yes!! It is time! The world of work is changing and never before has it been so easy (and urgent) to use your skills to create a positive impact in the world through starting your own business.
Made by Good Hustlers,
for Good Hustlers.
Who Is is an award winning global social enterprise and registered B Corp.  Over the last 10 years we have helped over 1,000 social impact businesses and organisations raise over $12million AUD through crowdfunding, while also pioneering award-winning matched-funding partnerships with ING, Stockland, English Family Foundation and FYA among others.

We are the presenters of the #StartingGood Social Enterprise Virtual Summit, an annual online event bringing together leading changemakers and innovation leaders.

Our purpose is to support emerging social entrepreneurs around the world to launch, raise funds and grow a community of supporters, creating a positive ripple of change for people and planet.

The course is delivered 100% online and runs over 10 weeks. 

You'll receive 5 modules with 14 video lessons from subject matter expertsaction focused worksheets, peer learning pods and 3 x live group calls (all calls are recorded for you to listen later).

Live fireside chats with successful social entrepreneurs.

Share the journey with a cohort of fellow changemakers who become your support network.

Eddie Harran
Futurist + Researcher
Founder Temporal Labs
"Tom is, without a doubt, one of the leading thinkers-and-doers in the social entrepreneurship space."

Made by Good Hustlers for Good Hustlers in Sydney Australia.
Copyright StartSomeGood © 2024. 

You could go it alone, but why would you want to? Trying to figure things out by yourself is slow and you'll likely make costly mistakes. 

We'll save you time, money and frustration as we help you organize your thoughts into a business model with thoughtful design for a product or service your customers will love, that generates profit and creates REAL change on the issue area you are seeking to impact.

✓   Turn your idea into a business plan
Enrol Now
✓   Get the support and guidance you need
Live Speakers

Give Your Good Idea The Time and Energy it Deserves

There are two ways you invest in your dream... financially and with your time: getting focused, making a plan and doing the work!

Let's talk cash first.

Good Hustle is $649 USD.

But if you are tight on cash book in with the payment plan - 4 x monthly payments of $175 USD

Time-wise, you'll want to give yourself at least 3-6 hours a week to watch the videos, complete worksheets and connect with your peer learning group.

Of course the more work you put in, the more you get out of it. You may find that when passion and purpose collide, time dissolves, you get in the flow and you end up investing two or three times the suggested time commitment. We'd call that a good hustle ;)

What Happens After You Enrol?

You'll receive a welcome email from us. These emails sometimes go to folders other than your main inbox. Please check your other folders, in particular, the "Promotions" folder in Gmail accounts and look for an email from:

goodhustle @

When the program begins and lessons will be activated one module at a time.

There has never been a better time to start a business that does good.

We see this all around us from consumers wanting to shop their values, graduates demanding purpose-driven work, the rise of social enterprise and the increasing interest in impact investment.

But what does it really take to design and launch a social enterprise?

With decades of experience working in the social startup sector, we believe there are:



There has never been a better time to start a business that does good!

We see this all around us from consumers wanting to shop their values; graduates demanding more purpose-driven work; the rise of social enterprise and the increasing interest in impact investment.

But what does it really take to design and launch a social enterprise?

With decades of experience working in the social startup sector we believe there are:


1. Learn from those who have walked before you. 

 Great mentors and trusted teachers are essential on the road less traveled. We hear this all the time, including recently at the #StartingGood Summit where both Mark Brand and Holly Ransom talked about how vital it is to have great teachers and mentors in your corner to support you along the way. 

The teaching entrepreneurs you'll learn from in this program are all experts in their niche. They'll share strategies and tactics to help you avoid common mistakes that DIYers make and set you up for success!


2. Know Your "Why".

 You need to be 100% clear on why you do what you do. The 'How' and 'What' can be learned (and we'll walk you through it step by step) but your "Why" is unique to you: it will come from within and it will light the way for as long as you are out there hustlin' for good.

 3. Courage to start and discipline to keep going.

 Let's be clear, whoever said: "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" probably wasn't out there running a social enterprise and trying to change the world. 

Some days the good hustle will make your heart burst with joy. Other days it will make your heart break. And so we have included lessons on mindset, mindfulness, and self-care to help you keep your head in the game.

What is the Good Hustle really about? 

The world is abundant in ideas, what really counts is your ability to take action and bring your good idea to life!
The difference between an entrepreneur and someone with a good idea is focused action.
We'll help you get you idea out of your head, and pen down a plan to build a thriving business that creates meaningful change in your corner of the world. 

✓   Live A Values-Aligned Life

You want the freedom to create a life and business that is aligned with your values. Yes!! It is time. The world of work is changing and never before has it been so easy (and urgent) to use your skills to create a positive impact in the world through starting your own business.

✓   Turn Your Idea Into A Real Business Plan

The world is abundant in good ideas. 

What really counts is your ability to bring the idea to life.

The difference between an entrepreneur and someone with a good idea is ACTION.

We'll help you get your idea out of your head and create an actionable plan for a thriving business that creates meaningful change.

✓   Get The Support And Guidance You Need To Succeed

You could go it alone, but why would you want to? 

Trying to figure things out by yourself is slow, and you'll make costly mistakes. 

We'll save you time, money and frustration as we help you organize your thoughts into a business model with thoughtful design for a product or service your customers will love. Generates profit and create REAL change on the issue area you are seeking to impact.

The course is taught 100% online and runs for 10 weeks.  

You get 5 modules, 14 video lessons with subject matter expertsaction focussed worksheets, assigned peer learning pods, and 3 x live group calls (which will be recorded).

Live fireside chats with successful social entrepreneurs

Share the journey with a cohort of fellow changemakers who become your support network.

Enrol NowSign Me Up!I'm Ready!

Change your day job, change your life.

Are you ready to hustle for good?

Sign me up!

Transform your idea into a launch-ready business!

Mobilize that wild and wonderful energy of early-stage ideation into an actual plan you can follow, step-by-step to design your social enterprise and get launch-ready!

Transform your idea into a launch-ready business!

Mobilize the wild and wonderful energy of early-stage ideation into an action plan you can follow step-by-step to design your social enterprise. 

If you're ready to level-up, be your own boss, live a values-aligned life, and hustle for good, we're ready to walk with you.

Change your day job, 

change your life.

Are you ready to hustle for good?

You are ready to...

Ready to trade the daily grind for the Good Hustle?

Jill Greenbaum
Founder Parenting the Hero's Journey
"Kate is a fabulous coach, her personal feedback was helpful and her approach was inclusive and relevant."

Enrol now!

Strapped for cash? To request a payment plan write to


The 10 Week Social Enterprise 

Course for Female Founders

Enrol Now

Ready to make 
an impact?

I'm Ready!

Change your day job, change your life.

Are you ready to hustle for good?

The Era of Purpose is Upon Us

Transform your idea 

into a launch-ready business!

Mobilize the wild and wonderful energy of early-stage ideation into an actual plan you can follow step-by-step to design your social enterprise and get launch-ready!

Made by Good Hustlers,
For Good Hustlers... 
Enrol Now
Eddie Harran
Futurist + Researcher
Founder Temporal Labs
"Tom is, without a doubt, one of the leading thinkers-and-doers in the social entrepreneurship space."
Adrian Madriz
Executive Director SMASH Miami
"Wow. Y'all are amazing. I have never interacted with a group of people that were as helpful as all of you are to our cause. Thank you so much for the in-depth analysis you gave our project. I will be putting all of your suggestions to good use"
Nice things people say about us...
Jill Greenbaum
Founder Parenting the Hero's Journey
"Kate is a fabulous coach, her personal feedback was helpful and her approach was inclusive and relevant."
Tristan Pollock
Entrepreneur in Residence at 500 Startups
+ Movement Builder
"Tom's commitment to social entrepreneurship in the digital space is something that is hard to duplicate. He is constantly listening and collaborating."

Give Your Good Idea the Time and Energy It Deserves

There are two ways you invest in your dream... financially and with your time: getting focused, making a plan and doing the work!

Let's talk cash first. 

Good Hustle is $649 USD.

But if you are tight on cash book in with the payment plan - 4 x monthly payments of $175 USD

Time-wise, you'll want to give yourself at least 3-6 hours a week to watch the videos, complete worksheets and connect with your peer learning group.

Of course the more work you put in, the more you get out of it. You may find that when passion and purpose collide, time dissolves, you get in the flow and you end up investing two or three times the suggested time commitment. We'd call that a good hustle ;)



 What Happens After 

You Enrol?

You'll receive a welcome email from us. These emails sometimes go to folders other than your main inbox. Please check your other folders, in particular, the "Promotions" folder in Gmail accounts and look for an email from:

goodhustle @ 

When the program begins and lessons will be activated one module at a time. 

Nice things people say about us...

Adrian Madriz
Executive Director SMASH Miami
"Wow. Y'all are amazing. I have never interacted with a group of people that were as helpful as all of you are to our cause. Thank you so much for the in-depth analysis you gave our project. I will be putting all of your suggestions to good use"
Who is is an award-winning global social enterprise and Registered B Corp. Over the last 10 years we have helped over 1,000 social impact businesses and organisations raise over $12 million AUD through crowdfunding. We've pioneered award-winning matched-funding partnerships with ING, Stockland, English Family Foundation and FYA among others.

We are the presenters of the #StartingGood Social Enterprise Virtual Summit, an annual online event bringing together leading changemakers and innovation leaders.

Our purpose is to support emerging social entrepreneurs around the world to launch, raise funds and grow a community of supporters, creating a positive ripple of change for people and planet.

Let's Do This!

If you are ready to level-up; be your own boss, live a values-aligned life, and hustle for good, we are ready to walk with you!

If you're ready to level-up; be your own boss, live a values-aligned life, and hustle for good, we are ready to walk with you!


Strapped for cash? To request a payment plan write to

ENROL NOWLet's Do This!
Tristan Pollock
Entrepreneur in Residence at 500 Startups
+ Movement Builder
"Tom's commitment to social entrepreneurship in the digital space is something that is hard to duplicate. He is constantly listening and collaborating."


Good Hustle is $749 USD. 

Payment plans available, contact

goodhustle (at)

Featuring Live Calls

Awards we have won:

Awards we have won...

Live Speakers

"It has unlocked new possibilities for my venture that I wouldn’t have thought of before." Michael M

"We have decided to keep our peer support group going. We really feel connected, so that’s great too." Roz A

"So many lightbulb moments! I’ve loved a lot of the frameworks – that’s been really useful as well." Wayne

"It has unlocked new possibilities for my venture that I wouldn’t have thought of before." Michael M

"We have decided to keep our peer support group going. We really feel connected, so that’s great too." Roz A

"So many lightbulb moments! I’ve loved a lot of the frameworks – that’s been really useful as well." Wayne

Program Strands


At Good Hustle we want to shift the gender investment gap, the underrepresentation of females in leadership roles, while helping build the impact businesses of the future.

We now know that women develop more profitable ventures than their male counterparts [1]. While there are increasing numbers of female-founded startups and attention on gender equality, there is much more room for women to lead change in social innovation.

Which is why we set to bring together female founders, design ideas and impact in their own safe space, and ultimately build their community. 

Working with leading women in social enterprise to teach and inspire participants, we strive to help launch more successful female-led social enterprises, increase the confidence and skills of hundreds of potential entrepreneurs, and profile inspiring success stories as well as emerging innovators.

So we created SHIFT, a 10 week online social enterprise design course for female founders.

Do you want to be part of the next generation of successful female founded social enterprises?

[1] Reference

Enrol Now


 Good Hustle

A 10 Week Program To Help You Design 

A Purpose-Driven Business

Ready to trade the daily grind for the Good Hustle?

Enrol Now

 and  Good Hustle

Module 1 – The Change You Seek

  • Introduction to Social Enterprise

  • Theories of Change + Issue Mapping  

  • 4 Pillars of Social Entrepreneurship

Module 2 - Designing and Building Your Idea

  • Designing and Building Your Idea

  • Business Models 

Module 3 - Building Your Tribe

  • 5 Hooks of Social Change Storytelling 

  • Creating Your Ideal Customer Avatar

  • Sharing Resources via "Collective Enoughness"

Module 4 - Getting Launch Ready

  • Crafting Your Story and Delivering a Great Pitch

  • Digital Marketing Essentials 

  • The Art of Video Storytelling

Module 5 - The Road is Long

  • Changemaker Mindsets for Long-term Success

  • Funding Options 

  • Personal Sustainability + Creating a Culture of Care

All live calls are recorded and you have lifetime access to the program. 

You can follow the program over 10 weeks or go at your own pace.

Module 1 – The Change You Seek

✓   Introduction to Social Enterprise

✓   Theories of Change + Issue Mapping  

✓   4 Pillars of Social Entrepreneurship

Module 2 - Designing and Building Your Idea

✓   Designing and Building Your Idea

✓   Business Models 

Module 3 - Building Your Tribe

✓   5 Hooks of Social Change Storytelling 

✓   Creating Your Ideal Customer Avatar

✓   Sharing Resources via "Collective Enoughness"

Module 4 - Getting Launch Ready

✓   Crafting Your Story and Delivering a Great Pitch

✓   Digital Marketing Essentials 

✓   The Art of Video Storytelling

Module 5 - The Road is Long

✓   Changemaker Mindsets for Long-term Success

✓   Funding Options 

✓   Personal Sustainability + Creating a Culture of Care

 All live calls are recorded and you have lifetime access to all the lessons. 

Follow along over 10 weeks, or go at your own pace.

Program Strands


At Good Hustle we want to shift the gender investment gap, the underrepresentation of females in leadership roles, while helping build the impact businesses of the future.

We now know that women develop more profitable ventures than their male counterparts [1]. While there are increasing numbers of female-founded startups and attention on gender equality, there is much more room for women to lead change in social innovation.

Which is why we set to bring together female founders, design ideas and impact in their own safe space, and ultimately build their community. 

Working with leading women in social enterprise to teach and inspire participants, we strive to help launch more successful female-led social enterprises, increase the confidence and skills of hundreds of potential entrepreneurs, and profile inspiring success stories as well as emerging innovators.

So we created SHIFT, a 10 week online social enterprise design course for female founders.

Do you want to be part of the next generation of successful female founded social enterprises?

[1] Reference

Enrol Now

Live Fireside Chat with

CEO and Founder of Dhana Inc, USA

Shamini if the founder of Dhana a fashion technology company empowering consumers to connect with people and the planet through sustainable and ethical fashion.

"The storytelling module helped me understand how to tell my story in a way that really highlights why I do what I do. It helped explain my work much more clearly and in a much more engaging way of connecting with people."

- Julia Schneider, Alive With Possibility

"One of the key learning from the program was simply getting clarity on what my idea was. I had so many different ideas I could implement but I needed the direction and guidance to know which one to start with and why."

- Mel Kenny, Made of Substance

Who You'll Be Learning With...

Tom Dawkins - Host of Good Hustle

Tom is the co-founder and CEO of social change crowdfunding platform and innovation agency He's the founding Director of the Australian Changemakers Festival, the founder of Vibewire, and opened Australia's first co-working space SquareOne in 2006. For twenty years Tom has been exploring how technology and culture can be harnessed as tools to create a more democratic and participatory society.

Kate Clugston - Good Hustle Creative Producer + Teacher "Personal Sustainability + Creating a Culture of Care"

Kate is a creative director/producer, online education designer and social enterprise launch coach with Kate's purpose is to create a culture of care, connection and compassion through self-awareness and supporting people create positive change in the world. She does this through her yoga teaching, her book the Radical Self Journal and her work at with emerging social entrepreneurs at StartSomeGood. Kate teaches the module on "Personal Sustainability and Creating a Culture of Care"


Alex Budak - Teacher "4 Pillars of Social Entrepreneurship" + "Changemaker Mindsets for Long-term Success"

Alex is a social entrepreneur and professional faculty member at UC Berkeley Haas, School of Business. where he created and teaches a transformative course called “Becoming a Changemaker" and serves as the Executive Director of the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program. He co-founded with Tom in 2011.


Hildy Gottlieb - Teacher "Collective Enoughness"

Hildy is a change theorist and asker of powerful questions. In her role as Chief Boundary Pusher in the living experiment at Creating the Future, Hildy teaches people how to create systems change by changing the questions they ask, aiming systems large and small at bringing out the best in people.

Ben Pecotich - Teacher "Impact Business Models | Human-Centred Design & Innovation"

Ben is a designer, innovation coach, and social enterprise/startup founder. He collaborates with people to design and build ideas for happier communities that are more empowered, inclusive, and sustainable. He's the founder and managing director of Dynamic4 (a 17 year old purpose-driven design & innovation company, and certified B Corp).

Rob Irving - Teacher "Creating and Delivering a Great Pitch"

Rob inspires the best in people, purpose, performance, and impact. Founder, Impact Investment Summit Asia Pacific mobilizing community and capital for good. Lead Pitch Coach, The Funding Network – a fresh approach to capacity building for grassroots non-profit organizations and social enterprises.

Luke Faccini - Teacher "Raving Fans: Crafting Your Customer Avatar"

Luke is a brand storyteller. He helps good businesses become great brands. His company The Sponge is a purpose-centered branding agency and a Certified B Corp. Luke is also the co-founder of

Brook McCarthy - Teacher "Digital Marketing Essentials"

Brook McCarthy is a digital marketing trainer, conversion optimization specialist and business coach with 15 years’ experience in online communications. Brook works closely with values-based self-employed people, to help them define their difference and grow their community online.

Natasha Akib - Teacher "The Art of Video Storytelling"

Tash is a digital producer who believes in individuals and communities telling their own stories. She specializes in using the skills of film production, media, and marketing for purpose-driven organizations and is responsible for developing, producing and facilitating Stories for Impact - Digital Storytellers’ educational workshops, tools, and resources.

Ben Reid - Teacher "Business Models"

Ben is Founder of Digital Creators and Chief Product Officer at Fusion Labs. Has run 5 startup accelerators in Sydney (muru-D, Remarkable) and worked in the trenches with over 60 startups, he also has a passion for social impact tech and social enterprise. In Ben's class you will discover the wide array of business models out there and learn how to identify which is right for you.

Work with these legends and start hustling for good

Who You'll Be Learning From...

Tom Dawkins

Host of Good Hustle

Tom is the co-founder and CEO of social change crowdfunding platform and innovation agency He's the founding Director of the Australian Changemakers Festival, the founder of Vibewire, and opened Australia's first co-working space SquareOne in 2006. For twenty years Tom has been exploring how technology and culture can be harnessed as tools to create a more democratic and participatory society.

Work with these legends and start hustling for good

[Insert Name] - Guest Speaker

[Insert Text



until here]. 

[Insert Name] - Guest Speaker

[Insert Text



. Until here]

[Insert Name]  - Guest Speaker

[Insert Text


. until here]

"Thanks to the Good Hustle program, I have implemented thorough step by step planning for each idea that has potential, allowing me to estimate what is needed in order to make the idea a reality and what type of data I need to collect to improve on my assumptions."

- Melissa Moxey, Arah Body


A social enterprise design course for people ready to change the world.

by StartSomeGood

SHIFT is Good Hustle's 10 week social enterprise design course for female founders.

by StartSomeGood

3. Courage to start and discipline to keep going. 

 Let's be clear, whoever said: "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" probably wasn't out there running a social enterprise and trying to change the world. 

Some days the good hustle will make your heart burst with joy. Other days it will make your heart break. We have included lessons on mindset, mindfulness, and self-care to help you keep your head in the game.

2. Know your why: 

 You need to be 100% clear on why you do what you do. The "How" and the "What" can be learned (and we'll walk you through it step by step) but your "Why" is unique to you. It will come from within and it will continue to light the way for as long as you are out there hustlin' for good.

1. Learn from those who have walked before you. 

Great mentors and trusted teachers are essential on the road less traveled. We hear this all the time, including recently at the #StartingGood Summit where both Mark Brand and Holly Ransom talked about how vital it is to have great teachers in your corner to support you along the way. 

The entrepreneurs you'll learn from in Good Hustle are all experts in their niche. They'll share strategies and tactics to help you avoid common mistakes that DIYers make and set you up for success!

Ben Reid 

Teacher "Business Models"

Ben is Founder of Digital Creators and Chief Product Officer at Fusion Labs. Has run 5 startup accelerators in Sydney (muru-D, Remarkable) and worked in the trenches with over 60 startups, he also has a passion for social impact tech and social enterprise. In Ben's class you will discover the wide array of business models out there and learn how to identify which is right for you.

Natasha Akib 

Teacher "The Art of Video Storytelling"

Tash is a digital producer who believes in individuals and communities telling their own stories. She specializes in using the skills of film production, media, and marketing for purpose-driven organizations and is responsible for developing, producing and facilitating Stories for Impact - Digital Storytellers’ educational workshops, tools and resources.

Brook McCarthy

Teacher "Digital Marketing Essentials"

Brook McCarthy is a digital marketing trainer, conversion optimization specialist and business coach with 15 years’ experience in online communications. Brook works closely with values-based self-employed people, to help them define their difference and grow their community online.

Luke Faccini

Teacher "Raving Fans: Crafting Your Customer Avatar" 

Luke is a brand storyteller. He helps good businesses become great brands. His company The Sponge is a purpose-centered branding agency and a Certified B Corp. Luke is also the co-founder of

Rob Irving

Teacher "Creating and Delivering a Great Pitch"

Rob inspires the best in people, purpose, performance, and impact. Founder, Impact Investment Summit Asia Pacific mobilizing community and capital for good. Lead Pitch Coach, The Funding Network – a fresh approach to capacity building for grassroots non-profit organizations and social enterprises.

Ben Pecotich

Teacher "Impact Business Models | Human Centred Design and Innovation"

Ben is a designer, innovation coach, and social enterprise/startup founder. He collaborates with people to designs and build ideas for happier communities that are more empowered, inclusive, and sustainable. He is the founder and managing director of Dynamic4, a 17 year old purpose-driven design & innovation company, and certified B Corp.

Alex Budak 

Teacher "4 Pillars of Social Entrepreneurship" + "Changemaker Mindsets for Long-term Success"

Alex is a social entrepreneur and professional faculty member at UC Berkeley Haas, School of Business. where he created and teaches a transformative course called “Becoming a Changemaker" and serves as the Executive Director of the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program. He co-founded with Tom in 2011.

Hildy Gottlieb

Teacher - "Collective Enoughness"

Hildy is a change theorist and asker of powerful questions. In her role as Chief Boundary Pusher in the living experiment at Creating the Future, Hildy teaches people how to create systems change by changing the questions they ask, aiming systems large and small at bringing out the best in people.

Kate Clugston

Good Hustle Creative Producer + Teacher - "Personal Sustainability + Creating a Culture of Care"

Kate is a creative director/producer, online education designer and social enterprise launch coach with Kate's passionate about creating a culture of care, connection and compassion through self-awareness and supporting people create positive change in the world. She does this through her yoga teaching, the Radical Self Journal and her work at StartSomeGood. Kate teaches the module on "Personal Sustainability and Creating a Culture of Care".

[Insert Name Speaker] - Guest Speaker

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[Insert Name Speaker] - Guest Speaker

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[Insert Name Speaker] - Guest Speaker

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Apply for one of our Awesome Scholarships

The Era of Purpose is Upon Us


What does the program cost?

For the opportunity to refine your business idea and join a community of founders and social entrepreneurs, you can join our Good Hustle program for

Course Full Price $649 USD - Student Price $319 USD

Early Bird Rate $499 USD - expires 9th September

Payment plans are available.

Enrol Now

"One of the key learning from the program was simply getting clarity on what my idea was. I had so many different ideas I could implement but I needed the direction and guidance to know which one to start with and why."

- Mel Kenny, Made of Substance

"The storytelling module helped me understand how to tell my story in a way that really highlights why I do what I do. It helped explain my work much more clearly and in a much more engaging way of connecting with people."

- Julia Schneider, launched Alive With Possibility, a transformational coaching practice using nature.

"Inspired with the Business Models session, we analysed over 50 real-world existing business models and landed with one that had real-world precedent, that we could confidently go out and test."

- Matthew Haren launched Tablehood, a network of people using the power of the mealtime table to create connection, relationships and belonging.

"Thanks to the Good Hustle program, I have implemented thorough step by step planning for each idea that has potential, allowing me to estimate what is needed in order to make the idea a reality and what type of data I need to collect to improve on my assumptions."

- Melissa Moxey is launching a skin-cream line designed to suit her Polynesian skin tones, made from sustainable local ingredients called Arah Body.

How It Works

Good Hustle provides you direct access to world class social entrepreneurs with Live Fireside Chats.

Check out this amazing line-up of Live Speakers joining our next course.

How It Works
Words from those who have hustled for good.

 You’ve got an idea for a purpose-driven business.

You’re buzzing with energy and your idea’s been keeping you up at night. 

But it’s just not happening quick enough. 

Things keep coming up that slow you down.

It ought to be easier to bring a good idea to life. 

That’s what Good Hustle is all about.

 You’ve got an idea for a purpose-driven business.

You’re buzzing with energy and your idea’s been keeping you up at night. 

But it’s just not happening quick enough. 

Things keep coming up that slow you down.

It ought to be easier to bring a good idea to life. 

That’s what Good Hustle is all about.



We have 14 scholarships available for the SHIFT Female Founders cohort of Good Hustle, for early-stage female founders with innovative ideas or approaches to make progress on one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

We have 3 types of scholarship available:

10 x Female AU based Founders

2 x Female Asia based Founders

2 x Female US based Founders

Do you have a game changing idea that could make a big difference in your sector?

Apply before the closing date Monday 2nd October 2023, 11 PM USA EST / Tuesday 3rd October 2 PM AEDT.

Apply for a scholarship

Not sure?  

Attend our Info Session

Confirm your spot

12th July - On Zoom

 of Becoming a Changemaker

At UC Berkeley, Alex created & teaches the course Becoming a Changemaker, directs the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program. Becoming a Changemaker has been adopted by universities around the world & been featured in the Washington Post, FastCompany, & Inc.

Learn How It WorksLearn how it works

Use this tool to evaluate your likelihood of success.

Take the Scorecard
How launch ready are you?
How launch ready

are you?

Some of the social enterprises Good Hustlers have created

Live Fireside Chat with

Founder of One Roof

Sheree is the Founder of One Roof, a digital membership & community for women leaders & entrepreneurs.  Affectionately known as the 'Queen of Community' she has been recognised for her efforts in supporting and mentoring women in business with a host of awards

The next Good Hustle program starts on Aug 26 

Investment: USD$649

Payment Plans Available - late enrolment okay until Aug 25

Enrol in Good Hustle NowEnrol in Good Hustle NowEnrol in Good Hustle Now

You Are Ready To...

Enrol in the Good Hustle Youth Program